Cross Fox Trapper Hat - Our Trapper Hats are made with your choice in fur, complimented with highly attractive black-satin finished lightweight cowhide yielding a hat that is not heavy and is a pleasure to wear. Our fur has been tanned by some of the very best tanneries in Canada to achieve a soft, clean supple leather to build a product that will last. Quilted liners help the hats to fit and wear nicely as well as add warmth.
Trapper Hats can be worn with flaps down for warmth or with flaps tied up.
Cross Fox is the exact same species of fox as the Red Fox but is a unique color variation – genetic throw of it. The mix of black and orange/red is most striking coloration with the log beautiful fine knap of all foxes make this a delightful addition to your fur collection.
It is noteworthy to say that our products are made by established/experienced furriers to bring you a properly constructed product that should give you many years of service out of your investment.